This has got to be one of the quirkiest novels I've ever read.Funniest sentence in the whole book:"It's not an easy thing to be left holding a piece of fruit during introductions."Other great lines:"I'm not a _____________, but I can play that role.""He was a small man. Left-handed. He walked with a limp. He served in India. So much is obvious, but beyond this I can tell you nothing except that he may have recently eaten asparagus."This is the fourth Russo book I've read, and I seem to be in the minority when I say I like his other novels a little better. As always, he writes well and tells a good story, but some of the humor in Straight Man is a little too slapstick, Monty Python-esque for me. I get the humor, I just don't think it's as funny as other people, apparently. That said, there were some places where I had to put the book down and hold my gut from laughing. The prologue is very funny.