A Man Without a Country - Kurt Vonnegut, Daniel Simon Another good reads reviewer said that Kurt Vonnegut's death was such a great loss because "nobody thinks the way he did." So true, and such an understatement. There's just no other mind that works anything like his. Of course, every mind is unique, but most of us are depressingly ordinary, myself included. Sigh...This book is an odd compilation of the meandering thoughts, observations and reminiscences of Vonnegut at the age of 82. There are some 2 star WTF moments where you have to make allowances for the scattered thoughts of a doddering old genius. However, the 4 and 5 star moments are so extraordinarily good that they more than make up for any lapses. Vonnegut is so audacious, outspoken, bizarre, and hilarious in the way he presents things we all think about. He had me laughing 'til I gave myself coughing fits, nodding my head saying, "Why didn't I think of that?", and yes, even getting choked up and teary-eyed here and there.As a secular humanist, Vonnegut did not believe in an afterlife. From page 80 of the book:"And if I should ever die, God forbid, I hope you will say, 'Kurt is up in heaven now.' That's my favorite joke."So in honor of one of the greatest, here goes: Kurt is up in heaven now.So it goes.